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100 - 200 Cigar Count Humidor

When it comes to cigar aficionados, having a well-maintained humidor is essential for preserving the quality and flavor of their cigars remain in optimal condition. In this article, we will explore the small to medium size humidors 100-200 cigar count humidor, a popular choice among cigar enthusiasts in the United States.

 A 100-200 cigar count humidor refers to the storage capacity of the humidor, indicating the number of cigars it can hold. This size range is ideal for both casual smokers and avid collectors, offering enough space to accommodate a diverse selection of cigars. These humidors come in various designs, materials, and price ranges, allowing individuals to find the perfect fit for their needs and preferences.

These humidors include desktop and counter table humidors. All humidors of this range have a gorgeous exterior and a unique architectural style.

Daniel Marshall Ambiante Humidor - 150 Cigar - Crown HumidorsDaniel Marshall Ambiante Humidor - 150 Cigar - Crown Humidors
Daniel MarshallDaniel Marshall Ambiante Humidor - 150 Cigar
Adorini Chianti Medium Deluxe Tray Humidor - 130 Cigar ct.Adorini Chianti Medium Deluxe Tray Humidor - 130 Cigar ct.
AdoriniAdorini Chianti Medium Deluxe Tray Humidor - 130 Cigar ct.
$320.00 Sold out
Humidor Supreme Zurich 75 - 140 ct. Humidor
Humidor SupremeHumidor Supreme Zurich 75 - 140 ct. Humidor
Humidor Supreme Malta 40 - 70 ct. HumidorHumidor Supreme Malta 40 - 70 ct. Humidor
Humidor SupremeHumidor Supreme Malta 40 - 70 ct. Humidor
Quality Importers Renaissance Inspired Cult Humidor - 200 Cigar ct - Crown HumidorsQuality Importers Renaissance Inspired Cult Humidor - 200 Cigar ct - Crown Humidors
Quality ImportersQuality Importers Renaissance Inspired Cult Humidor - 200 Cigar ct
Quality Importers Treasure Dome Desktop Humidor - 250 Cigar ct - Crown HumidorsQuality Importers Treasure Dome Desktop Humidor - 250 Cigar ct - Crown Humidors
Quality ImportersQuality Importers Treasure Dome Desktop Humidor - 250 Cigar ct


Choosing the Right 100-200 Cigar Count Humidor


When selecting a humidor of this size, there are several factors to consider. Here are some key aspects to keep in mind:

1. Quality:

Opt for a humidor made from high-quality materials like Spanish cedar, as it offers excellent moisture retention and prevents the growth of mold or bacteria. Ensure that the humidor has a solid construction to maintain a consistent environment for your cigars.

2. Size and Capacity:

The 100-200 cigar count range is suitable for most cigar enthusiasts, offering ample space without being overly large. However, consider your current collection and future needs to determine the right size for you.

3. Humidity Control:

Look for a humidor that provides precise humidity control. Many models come with built-in hygrometers and humidifiers, allowing you to monitor and adjust humidity levels easily.

4. Airtight Seal:

A proper seal is crucial to maintain stable humidity levels inside the humidor. A humidor with a reliable, airtight seal will prevent moisture from escaping and protect your cigars from drying out.

5. Design and Style:

Humidors come in various designs, from classic wooden finishes to modern and sleek options. Choose a style that suits your taste and enhances the aesthetic appeal of your cigar collection.


Benefits of a 100-200 Cigar Count Humidor:

Investing in a 100-200 cigar count humidor offers numerous advantages for cigar enthusiasts:

1. Optimal Storage:

With a humidor of this size, you can store a substantial number of cigars, ensuring you always have a variety of options to enjoy.

2. Aging Potential:

Cigars age gracefully when stored in a well-maintained humidor. The controlled environment of a 100-200 cigar count humidor allows for proper aging, enhancing the flavors and complexity of your cigars over time.

3. Convenience:

Having a humidor with a larger capacity means you don't have to constantly restock or rotate cigars. This convenience is particularly beneficial for those who enjoy smoking cigars regularly.

4. Protection:

A humidor acts as a shield, protecting your cigars from external factors such as temperature fluctuations, excessive light exposure, and dry environments. This ensures that your cigars remain in pristine condition until you're ready to enjoy them.


For cigar enthusiasts in the United States, a 100-200 cigar count humidor is an excellent choice to store and protect their prized cigar collection. With the right humidor, you can maintain optimal humidity levels, age your cigars, and enjoy the convenience of having a diverse selection at hand. Remember to prioritize quality, size, humidity control, and design when selecting your humidor. Invest in a 100-200 cigar count humidor, and elevate your cigar-smoking experience to new heights.
